Digital minimalism: choosing a focused life in a noisy world

Digital minimalism

Digital minimalism

Are you an avid reader? Are you passionate about reading new books? Do you love your own company, trying hard not to spend too much time on social media? This book Digital Minimalism: Choosing a Focused Life in a noisy world is for you.

What’s Inside? digital minimalism: choosing a focused Life in a noisy World

In this book, Cal Newport is telling us to be a digital minimalist by outlining a practical philosophy and plan of how to use technology in such a manner that you don’t need to hold yourself back from social media always.

You just need to feel the importance of freedom of your self by following  options;

  • Using less social media
  • keep your phone silent for a while
  • enjoy time with friends and family
  • set up a healthy routine
  • Go for a morning walk
  • How to implement a 30-day detoxification from social media.
  • How to enjoy the real essence of life and more.

The author of this book does not encourage people to choose between social media/ technology and themselves, yet he is informing you to be proactive and productive and don’t overuse technology.

Digital Minimalism:Choosing a Focused Life in a Noisy World Book reviews and ratings

Overall this book has 304 pages and is considered as New York’s best-selling book.

Below are the ratings of the book Digital Minimalism:Choosing a Focused Life in a Noisy World;

  • Amazon’s rating is 4.5 stars out of 5 stars.
  • The good read rating is 4.1 stars out of 5 stars.
  • Barnes & Noble’s rating is 3 stars out of 5 stars.
  • Indigo’s rating is 4.9 stars out of 5 stars.

People have given reviews about The book Digital Minimalism: Choosing a Focused Life in a Noisy World which is as follows;

Review number 1:

I’d already started my form of digital detox around this June, and reading this book helped me strengthen my beliefs, and for the first time I realized, I was on the right path!

Beautifully written, but you need to be open-minded while reading this book because it might sound a little too strict for ppl who are constant social media users.

Review number 2:

This book is a textbook for those who are stuck in the dense forests of social media. Trust me, it changed my life and can do yours!!!!

Just keep revising it so you don’t forget its key concepts

Review number 3:

Great book indeed. I think every netizen should read this book and correct the faults which are hampering them to lead a sound and focused life

Learning Outcomes from the book Digital Minimalism:Choosing a Focused Life in a Noisy World

  • You love your life without any fear. People also ask, what sort of fear? Fear of living an independent life with less usage of technology and no materialistic things around you.
  • Declutter yourself from social media for a while in a month, by doing this you will learn how to value time.
  • Usage of technology/social media in a moderate manner.
  • Lastly, don’t ever get impressed by other people’s lives on social media because it’s usually 90% fake.

About the author

Cal Newport has published eight books up till now for eg;  Slow Productivity, A World Without Email, Digital Minimalism, and Deep Work. All of them were New York’s best-selling books. His books have been published in 40 other languages too which is considered the best achievement of Cal Newport.

Newport is also an Associate professor giving lectures in computer science at George Town.

Recently, he has been writing articles for general audiences on two niches: culture and technology.


Social media has its pros and cons. Without social media and technology, we can’t stand out and we can’t afford to do it.

This era belongs to digital media and technology, to stay in this world we have to use this platform.

However, Cal Newport tells us to be minimalist while using technology, so we might not lose ourselves while involving too much of ourselves in technology.


Q1)Can we find the PDF version of this book Digital Minimalism: Choosing a Focused Life in a Noisy World?

Ans) Yes, you can find it on Google by searching the book title name and writing the PDF at the end of the book title.

Q2) What is minimalism?

Ans) Minimalism means you can live without premium things without getting bothered. In other words, living a simple life with fewer facilities and enjoying life to the fullest.